
The Payroll Efficiency Index

In April 2019, leading global payroll provider CloudPay published the introductory Global edition of the Payroll Efficiency Index, an industry-first benchmarking report of payroll processing KPIs. The unique, centralised platform and servicing model pioneered by CloudPay put the payroll leader in the enviable position of being the only global provider to maintain direct control over […]


The Case for Connection in the Digital Age

The spread of modern technology and its ability to provide us with instant information and communication has transformed our world. Everything from friendship and entertainment to education and industry looks different in the Digital Age. Yet, for all the widespread benefits of this transformation, we’re only beginning to recognize the potential downsides and their effects […]


Why Your Payroll Provider Matters

For a function so integral to the success of any organization, payroll doesn’t get a lot of attention outside of the people who run it. Yet, everyone at a company relies on it, it’s typically the largest cost center, and it tends to be responsible for more up-to-date, company-specific data than any other department. Which […]


The Cost-Saving Side of Payroll Integration

When it comes to selecting and optimizing technology solutions for core business operations, decision-makers often struggle to weigh organizational needs and goals against the cost of modern systems. It’s a balancing act: the business needs a better solution, but it also needs to manage costs. Unfortunately, the challenge of reconciling those two facts often results in […]


What Payroll Looks Like in the ‘Best Countries for Business’

Since 2007 the industry-leading business magazine Forbes has ranked the world’s largest economies in order of business friendliness. The annual report draws on data available from multiple renowned sources to evaluate 161 countries according to 15 different factors ranging from taxes and technology to personal freedom. To create their 2019 list of the Best Countries for […]


Payroll Lessons from ‘Superstar’ Companies

In the past few years, leading economists and business analysts have increasingly focused on the rise of superstar firms as a newer phenomenon shaping our global economy. Attaining practical insights from the analysis, however, has been a challenge, in large part because the definition of a ‘superstar’ has varied widely. That changed last year, when the […]


A Guide to Pay Parity Laws Around the World

Although calls for equal pay for equal work have intensified in recent years, the concept is anything but new. Efforts toward improving wage equality date to the early nineteenth century, when newly unionized female workers in industrialized nations like the UK took action to negotiate wages closer to those earned by their male coworkers. The […]


How to Catch Up in the Robotics Revolution

In 1961, workers in the General Motors plant in West Trenton, New Jersey, stood back and watched as a robotic arm lifted pieces of scalding hot metal from a die casting machine—a modest movement that previously posed a very real health and safety risk to the workers. The machine was called Unimate, built seven years […]


Prioritizing Data Visibility in a Security-Focused World

Compliance, performance, efficiency—it can be tough to prioritize goals within a global data management strategy. Depending on your yearly objectives, regulatory demands, and market opportunities, data quality and security can seem more urgent, complicated, or beneficial in widely varying ways. Continually developing technologies, like cloud-based services and process automation, have enabled multinational companies to recognise the […]


What Is Global Payroll?

Although payroll is one of the more fundamental business needs, our understanding of the function and its implications remains minimal at best. In fact, many business leaders rarely consider payroll beyond the basic requirement of paying employees, failing to realize the strategic value of this core function, which often represents the largest cost center of […]